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Market: Lisa’s seamless marketing tool for powerful online campaigns & lead generation

City connected by digital marketing apps
Automate marketing and leasing campaigns with Lisa's Market function

With Lisa’s Market function, property owners, managers, and brokers have a seamless and powerful tool at their disposal to enhance their online campaigns and drive lead generation. In this article, we'll delve into how Market streamlines property marketing, establishes a strong online presence, and expedites lead generation while integrating seamlessly with Lisa's leasing platform.

Your whole team benefits from seamless marketing capability

Market is a comprehensive solution that simplifies and enhances the entire property marketing process. It's a tool that not only helps build a compelling online presence but also tracks potential interest and generates leads. Here's how Lisa’s Market function empowers your team to excel in property marketing:

1. Effortless online presence and lead generation

Market offers an effortless solution for creating and managing online presence. It supports the entire marketing process, from content creation to lead generation. By automating updates and leveraging shareable links, Market extends reach and ensures properties are visible to a wider audience.

2. Quality campaigns at the click of a button

Your team can easily create high-quality, targeted marketing campaigns that drive demand and generate leads. The intuitive design of Market simplifies campaign creation, making it accessible to everyone on your team.

3. Real-time tracking of demand and inquiries

Market keeps your team informed with real-time tracking of tenant demand and inquiries. This ensures that marketing campaigns are not only driving leads but quality leads. With this data, your team can make quick adjustments to optimise campaign performance and generate a higher return on investment (ROI).

4. Seamless integration with Lisa

Market seamlessly integrates with Lisa's core leasing platform. This integration allows leads generated through marketing campaigns to flow directly into Lisa, where they can be automatically assigned to the right team member for a swift response. The synergy between Lisa’s Market and Lease functions streamlines the leasing process, enabling deals to be closed faster.

5. Turning your team into marketing professionals

One of the key advantages of Market is that it transforms your entire team into marketing professionals. By automating campaign creation and providing real-time tracking, Market simplifies marketing, allowing your team to focus on their core strengths and functions.


Effective property marketing is no longer a complex, time-consuming process. Market offers a seamless solution that empowers your team to create an online presence, track potential interest, generate leads, and close deals faster. With the ability to create high-quality campaigns at the click of a button and seamlessly integrate with Lisa’s Lease function, Market is the ultimate tool for mastering property marketing.

Watch the video below to learn more about how Lisa is disrupting commercial real estate.


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